Georgetown, Indiana

Spring Season:

Sign up

Join Our Fun Class!

Spring Season Class: Creativity begins March 6th.

Our 4-Week Mini Season theme of Empathy will cover areas of Emotion and Cooperation.  Explorers will learn about evaluating their emotions and emotions in others. The beginning foundations of Emotional Intelligence.

To Sign-up, fill out the form and hit submit. You will get an email with information on how to pay. We accept: Venmo (other arrangements may be available, please ask)

Price per Explorer: $80 
Additional Explorers from the same house hold: $60 

(4-week Mini-Season)

Classes are Thursdays at 10:30am
Dates: March 6-27th

About class

Predictable Class Flow

Each class follows a class flow to help children (Explorers) know what to expect and what’s coming next. This helps them feel comfortable in their new enviornment of play and helps them open up to exploring and learning more readily.


What to know for class

We play outside all four seasons and in all kinds of weather.  If we decide that it is unsafe to have class because of the weather conditions, we will notify you at least 1 hour before class to let you know if class will need to be rescheduled.


  • What to Wear

    We play outdoor is all kinds of weather. Please dress appropriate for the temperature and weather for the season. Dress for Mess! Exploring and using our imagination can get messy. For Winter Season classes please be sure proper warm attire is worn, being cold makes playing outdoors not so pleasant.

  • What to Bring

    Water for drinking (Especially in summer season) Blanket to sit on for Circle Time Winter Season (tea cup) for "Tea Time" after class.

  • What to Expect

    A fun outdoor themed play class that sparks learning and exploration. Outdoor Explorers is teacher directed but child-led. We encourage you to allow your Explorer freedom to move as needed during anytime in class. There is no judgement for them Exploring. (as long as they or others are not in danger) We encourage you to relax and enter into the world of play WITH your Explorer. You need play as much as they do! Come build memories and Learn. Play. Explore.